Write food reviews for California magazine before it folded.
Write food reviews for California magazine before it folded.
February 28, 2024 Comments Off on Write food reviews for California magazine before it folded. Do My assignment Assignment-helpI need a rehortical essay done on lamott using the information i provided along.
Works Cited citation of chosen source:
Lamott, Anne. “Shitty First Drafts.” Bird by Bird, 1994, pp. 1-2. https://wrd.as.uky.edu/sites/default/files/1-Shitty%20First%20Drafts.pdf
Name Rhetorical Choice 1 with explanation of how they used that rhetorical choice:
Choice: pathos
Explanation: She writes about multiple situations in her writing career and how other people write.
Quote 1 illustrating how the author used the rhetorical choice above & your explanation of how the quote shows what you said about the author’s use of the rhetorical choice/device above:
Quote 1:I used to write food reviews for California magazine before it folded. (My writing food reviews had nothing to do with the magazine folding, although every single review did cause a couple of canceled subscriptions. Some readers took umbrage at my comparing mounds of vegetable puree with various ex-presidents’ brains.) These reviews always took two days to write
Explanation: above she mentions how she wrote food reviews and how some people felt about her reviews of the food. Which then makes you think and wonder how they were written and you may or may not feel some type of way when reading them.
Quote 2 illustrating how the author used the rhetorical choice above & your explanation of how the quote shows what you said about the author’s use of the rhetorical choice/device above:
Quote 2:” We all often feel like we are pulling teeth, even those writers whose prose ends up being the most natural and fluid.
Explanation: she quotes some using an analogy that makes people be able to imagine the pain and emotion of that pain.
Quote 3 illustrating how the author used the rhetorical choice above & your explanation of how the quote shows what you said about the author’s use of the rhetorical choice/device above:
Quote 3: If one of the characters wants to say, “Well, so what, Mr. Poopy Pants?,” you let her
Explanation: when most people read that makes you laugh and think about things in your life when you have used that saying or when someone called you that.
Name Rhetorical Choice 2 with explanation of how they used that rhetorical choice:
Choice: tone
Explanation: She mentions in several parts of her writing on how the only way to write is to write shitty first drafts which she believes is the way to do it when writing
Quote 1 illustrating how the author used the rhetorical choice above & your explanation of how the quote shows what you said about the author’s use of the rhetorical choice/device above:
Quote 1:For me and most of the other writers I know, writing is not rapturous. In fact, the only way I can get anything written at all is to write really, really shitty first drafts.
Explanation: She states what she does and if she does it. It shows you that the warrant in the process she feels.
Quote 2 illustrating how the author used the rhetorical choice above & your explanation of how the quote shows what you said about the author’s use of the rhetorical choice/device above:
Quote 2:Finally I would pick up my one-inch picture frame, stare into it as if for the answer, and every time the answer would come: all I had to do was to write a really shitty first draft of, say, the opening paragraph. And no one was going to see it.
Explanation: Shes not going to use a technique that she didn’t believe in.
Quote 3 illustrating how the author used the rhetorical choice above & your explanation of how the quote shows what you said about the author’s use of the rhetorical choice/device above:
Quote 3:. I’d write a first draft that was maybe twice as long as it should be, with a self-indulgent and boring beginning, stupefying descriptions of the meal, lots of quotes from my black-humored friends that made them sound more like the Manson girls than food lovers, and no ending to speak of
Explanation: another example of her using it herself.
Name Rhetorical Choice 3 with explanation of how they used that rhetorical choice:
Choice: claim
Explanation: the writer is trying to prove that shitty first drafts are a good way to start out.
Quote 1 illustrating how the author used the rhetorical choice above & your explanation of how the quote shows what you said about the author’s use of the rhetorical choice/device above:
Quote 1: A friend of mine says that the first draft is the downdraft — you just get it down.
Explanation: it shows that others believe the first draft doesn’t have to be perfect and can be shitty.
Quote 2 illustrating how the author used the rhetorical choice above & your explanation of how the quote shows what you said about the author’s use of the rhetorical choice/device above:
Quote 2:I know some very great writers, writers you love who write beautifully and have made a great deal of money, and not one of them sits down routinely feeling wildly enthusiastic and confident. Not one of them writes elegant first drafts
Explanation: it shows us that all writers aren’t perfect and that they all write them
Quote 3 illustrating how the author used the rhetorical choice above & your explanation of how the quote shows what you said about the author’s use of the rhetorical choice/device above:
Quote 3:One writer I know tells me that he sits down every morning and says to himself nicely, “It’s not like you don’t have a choice, because you do — you can either type, or kill yourself.”
Explanation: it shows us that even for experience writers it is hard to just write the perfect first draft.
Name Rhetorical Choice 4 with explanation of how they used that rhetorical choice:
Explanation: she shows multiple ways that this can help people when writing first drafts
Quote 1 illustrating how the author used the rhetorical choice above & your explanation of how the quote shows what you said about the author’s use of the rhetorical choice/device above:
Quote 1:Now, practically even better news than that of short assignments is the idea of shitty first drafts. All good writers write them.
Explanation: by saying all good writers write them she is appealing to your side so that you feel that if they can use this way to do it and are really good so can I.
Quote 2 illustrating how the author used the rhetorical choice above & your explanation of how the quote shows what you said about the author’s use of the rhetorical choice/device above:
Quote 2:Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts
Explanation: makes you realize that it’s ok and you don’t have to be perfect
Quote 3 illustrating how the author used the rhetorical choice above & your explanation of how the quote shows what you said about the author’s use of the rhetorical choice/device above:
Quote 3:The first draft is the child’s draft, where you let it all pour out and then let it romp all over the place, knowing that no one is going to see it and that you can shape it later
Explanation: makes you think logically that just write it all out even if its shitty