Category: Art
Category: Art
Write an essay on Asian art, connect it to the Ramayana.
January 3, 2024 Art, best service, Homework-help, sample questions Assignment-helpAssignment Question Write an essay on Asian art, connect it to the Ramayana.
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Choose an art piece that means something to you. Make a claim about what the overall composition of your art piece reveals about its subject, and back that claim up with textual details.
December 21, 2023 Art, best service, Homework-help, sample questions Assignment-helpAssignment Question double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt ft. ) For this essay, you’ll be doing a close reading of an art piece of your choosing. Using “The Method,” address what is implicit in the text by identifying important repetitions, relevant strands, binary oppositions, and anomalies. Do not summarize
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What is positive (specific content from which videos) Similarities – connections to real world such as lions and other dangerous animals and what is surprising to you ? (based on..) an importance different which includes people (can be helpful to people) not just the elite or the ruler??
December 18, 2023 Art, Homework-help, Professional Service, sample questions Assignment-helpAssignment Question Magic, Life and protection or healing Short critical essay ( 1 page) based on thoughtful vidoes by curators to explain evidence of ancient beliefs: see one video per culture from the following: Mesopotamia : interview and Finkel on glosts Meso Your choice of the
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Analyze, and Interpret “The Sacrifice of Isacc” by Ghiberti in the last chapter of our textbook. Do you think the right person won the competition? Why? What happened to the one who lost this competition?
December 5, 2023 Art Assignment-helpAssignment Question ARTS 1 (Art History and Appreciation: Prehistory through the Middle Ages) Watch video Brunelleschi & Ghiberti the Sacrifice of Isaac Module 7 Discussion Describe, Formally Analyze, and Interpret “The Sacrifice of Isacc” by Ghiberti in the last chapter of our textbook. Do you think the right person won
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Attend one art experience and write a two-page paper about the experience. What the most interesting thing about the art experience was and why?
December 4, 2023 Art Assignment-helpAssignment Question MUSEUM/ Arts Requirement: Art Experience of Your Choice and Write a Paper – 25 points (DUE DATE IN SYLLABUS) • Attend one art experience and write a two-page paper about the experience. The best options for this course would be the CARNEGIE ART MUSEUM, the WARHOL MUSEUM, the
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Analyze the three museum photos given from the exhibit.Discuss whether you have a deeper understanding of the importance of photography as a medium in the visual arts.
December 4, 2023 Art Assignment-helpAssignment Question Introduction on the exhibits you chose your works from. For the museum paper, students are required to write a three-page paper. Students are required to write on any three photographs (not paintings or sculpture) found in the following exhibitions at MOPA (Museum of Photographic Arts) online. Students should
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Choose an issue that’s is currently going on. Something between 2020- now. So it has to be very contemporary! It can be something that is taking place anywhere in this world. It can be Social, Economics, Health, Racial, Political, Gender, etc. Create a piece of art that uses a camera (you may use additional media also) to take a photo or make a video that makes a commentary about the topic you choose.
December 18, 2023 Art, best service Assignment-helpAssignment Question Photography/ Video: Create your own Contemporary Art Discussion Topic Task: Reply to this topic Ai Weiwei: New York Photographs 1983-1993 (by Patricia Silva) – Daylight Books Ai Weiwei Washington Square Park Protest. 1988 Inkjet on Fantac Innova Ultra Smooth Gloss. Printed on 20 x 24-inch paper. Courtesy of
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