Using all 20 stocks (four industries and five stocks in each industry), please build a portfolio that maximizes your Sharpe ratio assuming that the monthly risk-free rate is 0.25%. What is the weighted ESG score (out of 100) of this portfolio?

Using all 20 stocks (four industries and five stocks in each industry), please build a portfolio that maximizes your Sharpe ratio assuming that the monthly risk-free rate is 0.25%. What is the weighted ESG score (out of 100) of this portfolio?
November 19, 2024 Comments Off on Using all 20 stocks (four industries and five stocks in each industry), please build a portfolio that maximizes your Sharpe ratio assuming that the monthly risk-free rate is 0.25%. What is the weighted ESG score (out of 100) of this portfolio? Do My assignment joyce
Words: 181
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

1.Using all 20 stocks (four industries and five stocks in each industry), please build a
portfolio that maximizes your Sharpe ratio assuming that the monthly risk-free rate is 0.25%.
What is the weighted ESG score (out of 100) of this portfolio?
2.Please a portfolio that maximizes your Sharpe ratio while the weighted average ESG
score and the weighted average E score are at least 80.

3. Please a portfolio that maximizes your Sharpe ratio while the weighted average ESG
score and the weighted average E score are at least 82, and no stock’s weight is more than 12%.
4. Please a portfolio that maximizes your Sharpe ratio while the weighted average ESG
score is at least 82 and the weighted biodiversity score is 1 (only biodiversity protectors).

• If you use any assumptions in your solutions, state it clearly wherever it applies.
• Please SHOW YOUR WORK to earn full credit! (For example, if you are using “Solver” in MS Excel,
please share the print screen)
• You can answer these questions by using MS Excel.
• Use of AI apps (e.g., ChatGPT) is strictly forbidden!