W2rite a paper build on the relationships that exist between characters in the novel.

W2rite a paper build on the relationships that exist between characters in the novel.
June 16, 2020 Comments Off on W2rite a paper build on the relationships that exist between characters in the novel. Uncategorized Assignment-help
Words: 102
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

1. You must take the role of ONE character from the novel.2. You must write or record a diary entry for the character.3. The diary entry must include how the character feels regarding the events of the novel.4. You must indicate in some way which time your character exists in during your discussion.5. You must build on the thematic aspects from the novel.6. This may be a written document. OR a video submission.7. You should try to capture the “voice” of the character. How that character speaks from the novel.8. You should build on the relationships that exist between characters in the novel.