Write a research paper on Veteran Service Organization Non-Profit.

Write a research paper on Veteran Service Organization Non-Profit.
November 28, 2023 Comments Off on Write a research paper on Veteran Service Organization Non-Profit. best service Assignment-help
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Subject: best service

Write a research paper on Veteran Service Organization Non-Profit.Explanation: The purpose of the final Power Point presentation is to demonstrate an understanding of the material learned over the semester. Be sure you use good grammar, correct spelling, and that the presentation is visually interesting and appealing. Steps for maximum points 1. Choose an organization (whether it is a nonprofit, union, association or business group) AND a specific issue they are actively lobbying in this current congress. [ i.e., National Federation of Independent Business, The Main Street Certainty Act, H.R. 4721/ S.B. 1706]. A. Begin your Power Point explanation on the bill (date introduced, main co-sponsor, # of cosponsors, legislative action, partisanship, history, and likely next step(s) for action. B. Detail information about the group you chose pushing for its passage. Detail the size of the group, # of members, its history, known lobbying tools, and your sense of whether the bill is really a priority for the organization. C. List any coalitions that are either already involved in the advocacy campaign or outline some groups you would recruit and why they would join (what is their self-interest). D. Highlight up to three advocacy tools you would like to use to move the legislation forward. Explain how each would be used to move you forward to impact your ultimate goal of getting the legislation signed into law. E. Conclude the PowerPoint with observations of external events that could be challenging or any other relevant observation you have.
