Describe the criminal justice system within the United States of America lacks the ability to rehabilitate those confined within the jails and prisons and focus more on the punishment and the charges than finding the root of evil.
Describe the criminal justice system within the United States of America lacks the ability to rehabilitate those confined within the jails and prisons and focus more on the punishment and the charges than finding the root of evil.
December 18, 2019 Comments Off on Describe the criminal justice system within the United States of America lacks the ability to rehabilitate those confined within the jails and prisons and focus more on the punishment and the charges than finding the root of evil. ping Assignment helpLevin, Benjamin. “Rethinking the Bound of “criminal justice.” Colorado Law scholarly commons, 2018.
The criminal justice system essay argues that Levin is uncertain of the objectivity of the “criminal justice” nature and its reform effort and scholarship. Scholars have critique criminal justice system characteristics where it is not a system but a structure that articulates the concern of inequality of the prison population. Levy encourages people to understand the system regulations and the relevant actors as noted, “for the current criminal system to be fixed, we require a complete and detailed understanding of what precisely the system is; what social and political constitution, what laws and policies it encompasses?”(624).
Neubauer. W. David and Fradella Henry. America’s courts and the criminal justice system. Engaged Learning, 2018.
This book focuses on the image of the courthouse justice but omits what the court does in practice, why they do it and how they do it, although there are significant issues that the book projects. It portrays the sense of how things take place in the courtroom and emphasize the growth changes of courtroom justice.
Ferdico, John. N. Henry F. Fradella, Totten. D. Christopher. Criminal procedure for the criminal justice professional. Engage Learning, 2012.
This book has everything that is required to understand how the liabilities, obligations, and rights of the criminal justice professional from every right to seizure, search, and arrest trials and appeals. The authors try to explain the confusing and obscure legal issues.
Benforade. Adam. Unfair; The New Science of Criminal Injustice. New York; Broadway Books, 2015.
A brilliant argument by Professor Benforado Adam discusses that although the criminal justice system operates as it was established, we would end up with unlawful convictions and unfair treatment. This is because the main root cause of injustice lies within the minds of every individual, not from the dishonest prosecutors and racist police officers alone.
Rocque, M. (2011). Racial disparities in the criminal justice system and perceptions of legitimacy: A theoretical linkage. Race and justice, 1(3), 292-315.
This piece discusses the research done on the minorities, which include the Blacks who are probably arrested and sentenced to prison for life compared to the white correspondence. It explains a range of findings from the claims that the minority engage in criminal behavior differently to the criminal justice system is less just than that of whites.
Agoziro, Biko. Black women and the criminal justice system; towards the Decolonization of victimization. Routledge, 2018.
This book focuses primarily on black women who believe in marginalized and in both criminology search and society. They are poorly represented in employment, politics, commerce, and education while in prison fact remains they are disproportionate to their large numbers in the community.
Barkow, Rachel. “Prisoners of Politics: Breaking the cycle of mass incarceration” Harvard University Press, 2019.
This is the recent article that has been written by Barkow. She argues in the book that the United States has been through many years of bad policies that fail to address the underlying problems that an individual might face to make him or her commit a particular crime. The system of the United States is therefore not cognizant and fails to establish the underlying root cause of criminal offenses.
Robert A. Ferguson. “Inferno: An anatomy of American Punishment” (2017): 503-505.
In this book, Ferguson reveals what happens in the United States. The United States punishes severely than any other country on earth. The punishment is seen in the harsh sentences, prisons that are overcrowded, and ineffective rehabilitation policies and programs. Ferguson notes that the punisher is ignorant yet he behaves as if he knows what he inflicts on the punished. This is because what he inflicts on the punished is not what the punished usually get but in the eyes of the punisher, he feels some sense of entitlement by inflicting the punishment. (p. 34-35)
Stuntz, William. “Collapse of American Criminal justice” (2015): 624-627.
William views the American criminal and justice system as the one that has been compromised by failing to address the pressing concerns on matters that appertain crime. He sees the system as the one determined to bring about unprecedented prison populations. In addition, the system has a disenfranchised impact on American African communities.
Hinton Elizabeth. “From war on the poverty to war on crime: the mass incarceration in America” Harvard University Press, 2016.
Elizabeth makes an argument and a revelation in this book. She provides insights into some of the acts and the provisions of the law. She recalls how the state spends a lot of money on constructing prisons when they could focus on more constructive institutions that can help curb crime rates by addressing the root causes.
O’Mara, Shane. “Why torture doesn’t work: the neuroscience of interrogation.” Harvard University Press, 2015.
O’ Mara dedicates his time to discuss the psychological factors that contribute to the compliances and obedience, he looks at the hazardous effects of the torture on the individual. The effects of torture may result to be the opposite of the intended one. (p. 8)
Dan, Simon: “The psychology of criminal justice process,” The International Journal of Evidence & Proof 23.1-2 (2019): 82-89.
This work, Dan Simon recognizes the fact that the criminal justice process is operationalized through people. As such, witnesses, suspects, lawyers and judges greatly influence the outcome of the case. It solely lies in their mental capacity. (p. 6)
Agozino, Biko. Black Women and the Criminal Justice System: Towards the Decolonisation of Victimisation. Routledge, 2018.
Barkow, Rachel Elise. Prisoners of Politics: Breaking the Cycle of Mass Incarceration. Harvard University Press, 2019.
Benforado, Adam. Unfair: The new science of criminal injustice. Broadway Books, 2015.
Burkhardt, Brett C. “Robert A Ferguson, Inferno: An Anatomy of American Punishment.” (2017): 503-505.
Ferdico, John N., Henry F. Fradella, and Christopher D. Totten. Criminal procedure for the criminal justice professional. Nelson Education, 2015.
Hinton, Elizabeth. From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime. Harvard University Press, 2016.
Levin, Benjamin. “Criminal Labor Law.” Berkeley J. Emp. & Lab. L. 37 (2016): 43.
Neubauer, David W., and Henry F. Fradella. America’s courts and the criminal justice system. Cengage Learning, 2018.
O’Mara, Shane. Why Torture Doesn’t Work. Harvard University Press, 2015.
Perry, Richard. “William J. Stuntz, The Collapse of American Criminal Justice.” (2015): 624-627.
Rocque, Michael, and Quincy Snellings. “The new disciplinology: Research, theory, and remaining puzzles on the school-to-prison pipeline.” Journal of Criminal Justice 59 (2018): 3-11.
Simon, Dan. “Thin empirics.” The International Journal of Evidence & Proof 23.1-2 (2019): 82-89.