Describe the effects of Universal Healthcare in relation to Good Premise but Not for Ame.
Describe the effects of Universal Healthcare in relation to Good Premise but Not for Ame.
January 12, 2020 Comments Off on Describe the effects of Universal Healthcare in relation to Good Premise but Not for Ame. Statistics Assignment helpUniversal Healthcare: Good Premise but Not for Ame Healthcare is a basic need of every human being and should be considered a fundamental human right. Each nation should ensure that every person is covered by equal healthcare regardless of age, gender, or income. To ensure this right, many Americans advocate for universal healthcare. Universal healthcare is “all about providing a specified healthcare package which will be beneficial to every member of society as determined by who is covered, what services are covered, and how much of the cost is covered” (Formosa Post, 2019). Many industrialized countries, including the United Kingdom, France, and Canada, operate under the universal healthcare system. Most may agree that the premise or intention of “Medicare for All” is good; however, at what expense? According to Zaldivar from the Associated Press (2018), “Medicare for All” would cost $32.6 trillion over ten years which is $3.26 trillion per year which would be triple the amount the government spent on healthcare last year ($1.1 trillion). Based on the scenario, I agree with Dr. Garcia. Our country already has a minimum standard that ranks among the best in the world if aspects of care such as sanitation and immunizations are considered, which both save lives. Also, hospitals don’t turn people away when they need help. At some point, the country has to end the obligation to float the entire society on the taxpayer’s dime because if it does not, it risks cutting into funds that could be better spent elsewhere (West Coast University, 2008). The elephant in the room when it comes to universal healthcare is the cost. Dr. Garcia strongly expressed that this system would be costly for the taxpayers, especially since the government would be footing the bill (West Coast University, 2008). European countries who have adopted “healthcare for all” are operating under the single-payer system. America has already implemented single payer healthcare known as Medicare, which is only open to Americans who are over 65 years old (Formosa Post, 2019). Many believed that it has a significant impact on healthcare reconstruction; however, this can be expensive. Implementing a single-payer healthcare system causes an increase in taxes; hence, an increase in the obligation of the taxpayers (Formosa Post, 2019). Yearly tax increases will have to be enacted to cover for the cost that can lead to American citizen’s frustration and many other programs being cut to allocate funds for the new healthcare system. Overall, the cost value of the system can be draining for the US and its citizens and cause large debts which are already on top of the ceiling. Currently, existing US government healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are already putting a considerable strain on the public budget, so adding a universal healthcare program to these would amount to enormous government spending. Dr. Garcia argued that better sanitation and immunization practices contribute as minimum primary healthcare (West Coast University, 2008). Improved sanitation, nutrition, and vaccinations have contributed to the decreased incidence of numerous diseases and associated mortality (Rémy, Zöllner, & Heckmann, 2015). These positive health effects translate into positive economic results as vaccination has provided significant savings by avoiding the direct and indirect costs associated with treating the disease and possible long-term disability. Immunization practices have increased the life expectancy of many people. Dr. Garcia also added that the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) of 1986 is non-discriminatory law designed for equal treatment of all patients by hospitals regardless of their ability to pay, insurance status, national origin, race, creed, and color. With EMTALA, the United States acknowledges that health care is a moral right of every citizen. Dr. Miller was right when he mentioned that the taxpayer is already footing the bill with the current healthcare system in place. He also blamed that high costs and occurrence of ER visits are due to worsening conditions and lack of preventive care. However, preventative services are offered with the current marketplace insurance as outlined in for adults, women, and children such as screenings, assessments, and counseling without copayment or coinsurance (, 2019). Scott from Vox Care (2017) also wrote about a new paper at Health Affairs from the researchers from Harvard, the University of Chicago, and MIT that found that “uninsured adults go to the ER about as much as people with private insurance. 12.2% of the uninsured made an ER visit in 2013 compared to 11.1% of the privately insured and much less than the people on Medicaid (29.3%).” The uninsured Americans do not go to the ER any more than people with insurance. Dr. Garcia mentioned that “universal healthcare could lower the quality and availability of disease screening and treatment” (West Coast University, 2019). For example, recent studies found Canadian deficits in several areas, including angioplasty, cardiac catheterization, and intensive care (Ridic, Gleason, & Ridic, 2012). Also, waiting lists for specific surgical and diagnostic procedures are standard in Canada with an average wait of 13.3 weeks. To make matters unbelievable, Ridic, Gleason, & Ridic (2012) added that “the average waiting time in more than 80% of the procedures is 1/3 longer than Canadian physicians consider clinically reasonable.” Canadians are sacrificing access to modern medical technology for first dollar coverage for primary care. These delays in treatment are affecting the vulnerable citizens of Canada, particularly the elderly who are unable to get reasonable access to the medical care they demand, including hip replacement, cataract surgery, and cardiovascular surgery. “Free” healthcare is not “free” because inevitable demand escalates and spending increases. The premise and intention of universal healthcare to provide a healthcare package to every citizen regardless of their income, age, and status is good and unquestionable. Many Americans have been wondering why the government cannot adopt a healthcare system such as the other industrialized nations in Europe that can provide healthcare to all. First, introducing a single-payer healthcare system in the US from the beginning would severely reduce payments to hospitals, doctors, and other integral parts of the healthcare industry as well as nationalizing the insurance industry. Secondly, universal healthcare would cause lack of competition which would cripple the desire of private individuals to invest in healthcare and lack of innovation to create better medications and pursue better medical services. The absence of competition can then lead to a reduction in the quality of healthcare available in the US as well as precipitate job losses for many people in the healthcare industry. Lastly, universal healthcare will nationalize the healthcare system giving the government control of running health care to which many people are not receptive to and may cause dissatisfaction, disarray, and opposing views. References Formosa Post. (2019, April 25). Pros & Cons of Universal Health Care (THE COMPLETE LIST). Retrieved from universal- health-care/ (2019). Preventive care benefits for adults. Retrieved from Healthline. (2018, September 26). The Pros and Cons of Obamacare. Retrieved 2019, from Ridic, G., Gleason, S., & Ridic, O. (2012). Comparisons of Health Care Systems in the United States, Germany, and Canada. Materia Socio Medica, 24(2), 112. doi:10.5455/msm.2012.24.112-120 Rémy, V., Zöllner, Y., & Heckmann, U. (2015, August 12). Vaccination: The cornerstone of an efficient healthcare system. Retrieved from Scott, D. (2017, December 05). There’s not a crisis of uninsured people overusing the emergency room. Retrieved from uninsured-emergency-room-voxcare West Coast University. (2019). Debating the Right to Healthcare Scenario. Retrieved from 3781428_1/courses/WCU_PHIL_434_OL_MASTER1/Weegee Presentations/Week 08 Debating the Right to Healthcare – Storyline output/story_html5.html