Determining what kinds of argumentative devices are used (assuring terms, guarding terms, discounting terms, evaluative terms, and rhetorical devices).

Determining what kinds of argumentative devices are used (assuring terms, guarding terms, discounting terms, evaluative terms, and rhetorical devices).
December 16, 2019 Comments Off on Determining what kinds of argumentative devices are used (assuring terms, guarding terms, discounting terms, evaluative terms, and rhetorical devices). Statistics Assignment help
from Intelligence Squared. Watch/listen to the following debate, including the opening statements, closing statements and, importantly, the answers each side gives to questions they (and the audience) they ask. An analysis of the debate includes all of the following elements:
Determining the argument(s) that are being put forward on each side (this is not always a simple matter, as will be clear from the question and answer section of the debate).
Determining the structure of those arguments (e.g., main argument, subarguments, supressed premises, etc).
Determining what kinds of argumentative devices are used (assuring terms, guarding terms, discounting terms, evaluative terms, and rhetorical devices).
Determining which, if any, formal or informal fallacies are being committed by arguments from either of the sides.
