Find a subculture that you identify with and list several norms for that subculture.

Find a subculture that you identify with and list several norms for that subculture.
January 6, 2020 Comments Off on Find a subculture that you identify with and list several norms for that subculture. Statistics Assignment help

In one way or another, we all belong to one or more subcultures. Race and ethnicity are just the most obvious, but other things can constitute a subculture. For instance, you are all members of a sub-culture called “college students.” Some of you may belong to particular organizations or clubs that have their own normative way of doing things–they could be subcultures.

Find a subculture that you identify with and list several norms for that subculture. If you can’t think of one to which you belong, pick a subculture you are familiar with and identify several norms for that subculture.
