Identify current trends as they relate to the disruptive company.

Identify current trends as they relate to the disruptive company.
December 9, 2019 Comments Off on Identify current trends as they relate to the disruptive company. Statistics Assignment help

Select one firm and Identify a digital-born business that has disrupted the sector or has helped to transform the sector or a non-digital/traditional business that has become digital throughout the years. Prepare a 10 min presentation including the following elements:
-Describe the business (product lines, target … etc.)
-Identify what type of business it is (B2B, B2C, B2C … etc.)
-How are digital technologies integrated within the business?
-Identify the business model and the revenue model.
-Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing or in-house as an approach to the development of digital platforms.
-What are their online marketing/sales strategies?
-Is the Business Brick and Click? If yes, what are the differences?
-Identify current trends as they relate to the disruptive company?
