Select and discuss a location for Amazon HQ2 Retail giant Amazon, based in Seattle, has announced that it will be building a second corporate headquarters (HQ2) that will cost $5 billion and employ about 50,000 people.

Select and discuss a location for Amazon HQ2 Retail giant Amazon, based in Seattle, has announced that it will be building a second corporate headquarters (HQ2) that will cost $5 billion and employ about 50,000 people.
December 6, 2019 Comments Off on Select and discuss a location for Amazon HQ2 Retail giant Amazon, based in Seattle, has announced that it will be building a second corporate headquarters (HQ2) that will cost $5 billion and employ about 50,000 people. Statistics Assignment help

Select a location for Amazon HQ2 Retail giant Amazon, based in Seattle, has announced that it will be building a second corporate headquarters (HQ2) that will cost $5 billion and employ about 50,000 people. Amazon has invited cities and regions interested in hosting HQ2 to respond to its RFP (request for proposal). Amazon’s requirements for the host city are found here: https://images-na.ssl-images- Amazon recently narrowed its list of potential cities to 20: headquarters-hq2-to-20.html Select any three of these cities and write a report to Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, recommending which city would be the best option to host HQ2. Rank your recommendation based on how well they meet the requirements to convince Mr. Bezos you’ve made the best choice possible, based on the criteria of evaluation identified in the RFP.
