What are the characteristics that make it part of a certain art historical period?

What are the characteristics that make it part of a certain art historical period?
November 30, 2019 Comments Off on What are the characteristics that make it part of a certain art historical period? ping Assignment help

seated man and woman sculpture in dallas museum
Content of Paper: you must identify what the work is, artist if possible, period of art, dimensions, and specific location. Discuss what it is about this work that makes it an example of a certain period. What are the characteristics that make it part of a certain art historical period? You are not to say things such as I like this, or this caught my eye, etc. What is the historical background of the work? Did the art have a particular purpose? What is the meaning or the iconography/symbolism of the work. Be sure that you explain what is it that makes a work Old Kingdom Egyptian, Early Christian, Romanesque, High Classical Greek, or Gothic as examples.
