What are the key ethical dimensions that might change, after the termination of services?

What are the key ethical dimensions that might change, after the termination of services?
March 13, 2020 Comments Off on What are the key ethical dimensions that might change, after the termination of services? Statistics Assignment help

Section 1: Boundary Issues and Dual Relationships (500-700 words)

Part A – Decision-Making Model and Examples

How would you determine if a boundary-crossing or dual relationship is ethical and appropriate? What criteria would you consider when making your decision?

Present examples of how you would apply this criteria to at least two professional situations in which you believe the dual relationship issues are complex and ambiguous. One of your examples should address the issues of physical attraction between clients and professionals.

Part B-Ethical Issues and Dimensions in Ethical Decision-Making

Examine these issues in terms of encountering former clients. Address the following:

  1. Do the ethical issues (and your opinion about appropriateness) change, depending on how long after the termination of services a dual relationship is initiated?
  2. What are the key ethical dimensions that might change, after the termination of services?
  3. Present an example of a situation that you believe would constitute a boundary violation with a current client but might be acceptable with a former client.

Section 2: Development of Your Thinking about Ethics (250-300 words)

Clearly describe what you consider the most important developments in your thinking about ethical practice that have occurred so far during this course. This may include areas in which you have clarified your views and beliefs, modified your thinking on a given issue, gained new insights, or acquired a new perspective. It may include issues whose complexity you now appreciate more fully or difficult issues that you now understand you must grapple with, as a counselor. What have you most learned about yourself and/or about what constitutes becoming an ethical practitioner and how has your thinking about ethics and legal issues changed?
