According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the purpose of government?

According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the purpose of government?
December 10, 2019 Comments Off on According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the purpose of government? Assignment Assignment help

(1) According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the purpose of government? According to the Declaration and the Constitution, what substantive goals must government achieve? From where does government derive its powers? If government becomes destructive of these ends, what additional rights do the people have?

(2) Based on your study this semester, which part or parts of our political system come closest to meeting the standards established in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? Present evidence with sources to support this conclusion.

(3) Based on your study this semester, which aspect or aspects of our system are furthest from meeting the standards established in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? Present evidence with sources to support this conclusion.

(4) Based on your study this semester, do you believe our system of government—all in
all—fulfills the goals and requirements stated in the Declaration and the Constitution? Why or why not? Present evidence for your conclusion and address opposing views.

(5) What changes–if any–would bring the American political system closer to these goals?
