Are certain cultures more or less vulnerable to holding inaccurate views about the sexual behaviors assessed in the survey?
February 26, 2020 Comments Off on Are certain cultures more or less vulnerable to holding inaccurate views about the sexual behaviors assessed in the survey? Assignment Assignment help

Definition & Discussion of Motivation:(this criterion should take approximately 1-2 paragraphs to address)

  1. Complete the “Sex Quiz” which is linked on the main page of the module. This survey assesses individual awareness of sexual myths common in Western cultures.
  2. Keeping in mind that all items are actually false, how might the culture which you are from affect one’s reaction and subscription (i.e. belief in) to the myths assessed in this survey. 
  3. Were there specific items which you were surprised are considered false? Which ones? Why?

Cultural Elements & Motivation:(this criterion should take approximately 1-2 paragraphs to address)

  1. Briefly discuss and define sexual motivation and sex culture.
  2. Again, what role might culture play in types of myths about sex? Clearly define, explain, and discuss all terms. 
  3. Clearly link and explain the cultural elements of individualistic vs. collectivist societies which may accommodate the perpetuation of sexual myths.
  4. Are certain cultures more or less vulnerable to holding inaccurate views about the sexual behaviors assessed in the survey.