As a group, identify the three most important qualities that individuals in a team/group should have.
As a group, identify the three most important qualities that individuals in a team/group should have.
December 10, 2019 Comments Off on As a group, identify the three most important qualities that individuals in a team/group should have. Assignment Assignment help1) As a group, identify the three most important qualities that individuals in a team/group should have. Why are these integral characteristics to have when working collaboratively/as a team?
2) Each individual member of your group should identify your strongest and weakest characteristics out of these three qualities. Why are these your strongest and weakness characteristics? Give examples to support your decisions.
3) As a group, discuss how you plan to draw on your individual characteristics to strengthen the success of your group/team. What do you foresee being particularly strong at as a group and what do you think will prove more difficult? Please be honest.
4) Each individual member of your group should describe a time when you had to work in a team/group. What were some of the challenges you individually and the group as a whole had to face? What might have you done differently to ensure that the team/group achieved greater success?