Briefly describe whose civil rights Martin Luther King Jr. was working to promote and protect.
Briefly describe whose civil rights Martin Luther King Jr. was working to promote and protect.
January 14, 2020 Comments Off on Briefly describe whose civil rights Martin Luther King Jr. was working to promote and protect. Assignment Assignment helpWatch the video and/or read the transcript of the “I Have A Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., delivered August 28, 1963. Consider Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement. How does the American government ensure civil liberties or civil rights for minority or special interest groups? How might an amendment ensure the validity and equality of a minority or special interest group? Choose a civil rights issue in current American society. Choose a minority group that still has unresolved civil rights issues. Research sources within the Walden Library regarding abuses of civil rights. Briefly describe whose civil rights Martin Luther King Jr. was working to promote and protect. Identify two of the tactics that Dr. King used to promote civil rights. Identify one group or issue in American society where the need to promote civil rights is still relevant.