Compare the algorithms and explain which model makes the most efficient use of memory and which model executes the quickest.
Compare the algorithms and explain which model makes the most efficient use of memory and which model executes the quickest.
December 17, 2019 Comments Off on Compare the algorithms and explain which model makes the most efficient use of memory and which model executes the quickest. Course Work Assignment helpEight unique processes (which terminate in the following order: 21 KB, 77 KB, 199 KB, 380 KB, 489 K¬B, 212 KB, 139 KB, and 302 KB) must be placed into ten memory partitions organized in the following order: 150 KB, 275 KB, 425 KB, 300 KB, 80 KB, 117 KB, 500 K¬B, 35 KB, 313 KB, and 269 KB.
Explain step by step how each of the dynamic storage allocation algorithms (first-fit, best-fit, and worst-fit) would place the given processes within the given memory partitions. Identify the memory partitions that remain after placing each process. Visually illustrate each algorithm with a chart or diagram. An example diagramPreview the document was created in Excel, but you may also choose to use a graphics editing software (PowerPoint, Paint, PhotoShop, etc.) or upload a photo of a hand-drawn sketch.
Compare the algorithms and explain which model makes the most efficient use of memory and which model executes the quickest.