Create a detailed table listing their typical features, how BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), CYOD (cooperate owned, personally enabled), VDI- Virtual Desktop Infrastructures, and Corporate-owned are used, and their advantages and disadvantages to both the enterprise as well as to the employee.

Create a detailed table listing their typical features, how BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), CYOD (cooperate owned, personally enabled), VDI- Virtual Desktop Infrastructures, and Corporate-owned are used, and their advantages and disadvantages to both the enterprise as well as to the employee.
December 14, 2019 Comments Off on Create a detailed table listing their typical features, how BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), CYOD (cooperate owned, personally enabled), VDI- Virtual Desktop Infrastructures, and Corporate-owned are used, and their advantages and disadvantages to both the enterprise as well as to the employee. Assignment Assignment help

Create a detailed table listing their typical features, how BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), CYOD (cooperate owned, personally enabled), VDI- Virtual Desktop Infrastructures, and Corporate-owned are used, and their advantages and disadvantages to both the enterprise as well as to the employee. (one page)

2. Answer the following questions. (one page)
– Which of them is the most secure option?

– Which is the least secure option?
– Which would you recommend for your school or place of employment? Why?
