Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations.
Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations.
March 6, 2020 Comments Off on Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations. Course Work Assignment help1) Describe the nature of operations management in the following organizations. In doing this, firstdescribe the operation process of the production system. Second, identify operations decisions.(Marks 3) (word count maximum:500)
· A paper manufacturing
· An internal design office
2) Suppose that a firm is considering moving from a batch process to an assembly-line process to better meet evolving market needs. What concerns might the following functions have about this proposed process change: marketing, finance, human resources, accounting, and information systems? (Marks 1) (word count maximum: 150)
3) Take a tour of the Soap Factory and describe the process used? (Marks 1) (word count maximum: 100)
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