Discuss key characteristics of a leader in quality and safety.

Discuss key characteristics of a leader in quality and safety.
December 3, 2019 Comments Off on Discuss key characteristics of a leader in quality and safety. Course Work Assignment help

Discuss key characteristics of a leader in quality and safety. How do these characteristics compare to the characteristics of others?
Based on what you have learned from your research, what characteristics do other leaders that you read about have to be a successful leader in quality and safety initiatives?
Based on what you have learned, what characteristics do you have that are congruent with leading successful quality and safety initiatives? What characteristics would you like to develop to strengthen your ability to lead safe, quality care?
Identify 3 key quality and safety concepts you have learned. How did learning about these key concepts change your thinking about leading initiatives in quality and safety in your professional work setting?

Here is one article that I found that would be good to reference:

