Discuss the relationship between creative media production and the creative industries, based on historic and contemporary precedents.
Discuss the relationship between creative media production and the creative industries, based on historic and contemporary precedents.
January 22, 2020 Comments Off on Discuss the relationship between creative media production and the creative industries, based on historic and contemporary precedents. Course Work Assignment help Case study
You work for a market analysis company. The company has been approached by an ethical venture
capital trust that wants to invest in local media companies in Turkey. The venture capital trust does not
expect rapid or large profits as its investors are keen to provide social funding for small start-ups and
media companies to ensure they are sustainable.
Prior to investing, they want to conduct a market appraisal of the media industry in your area. This can
cover a general media industry report or focus on the following area:
● Film and television
To decide on whether to progress with further studies the initial appraisal should include:
● A market appraisal that:
o Explores the current state of the industry with company types, structures and market focus
o Looks at employment roles, their context and employment status
o Outlines recent developments and major changes in the industry
o Provides analysis of future developments, growth or changes in employment status and
company types based on external influences: economy, politics, technology or social factors.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Discuss the relationship between creative media production and the creative industries, based
on historic and contemporary precedents
P1 Examine what is meant by the
creative industries, in relation to
subject areas and economic
P2 Explain the relationship
between creative media production
and the creative industries
M1 Evaluate the economic
value of the creative
industries for a specific
geographic context (Turkey)
D1 Analyse the economic
impact of the creative
industries in relation to the
national economy for a specific
geographic location (Turkey)
LO2 Explain the different forms of company and employment
within the creative industries
P3 Explain the different forms of company or employment
company that practise within the
creative industries
P4 Evaluate forms of employment
in the creative industries
M2 Discuss the benefits and
challenges of
self-employment within the
creative industries
D2 Evaluate how roles within
creative media production may
change based on the form of company or employment
LO3 Evaluate the roles and relationships within a specific area of
creative media production
P5 Describe the different roles
associated with practice within a
specific area of creative media
P6 Evaluate the way in which
roles and relationships differ
between media production
M3 Assess the workflow
relationships that enable
effective development of work
within a specific area of
creative media production
LO4 Analyse factors that may affect the future development of a
specific area of creative media production
P7 Discuss the factors that
influence the creative industries
and creative media production
P8 Analyse the way that factors
may influence the future
development of creative media
M4 Evaluate the connection
between factors that influence
the development of creative
media production
D3 Assess the ways in which
government policy may have a
positive or negative effect on
the future development of
creative media production