Evaluate the idea that educators must “sell” their ideas about how schools should be organized.

Evaluate the idea that educators must “sell” their ideas about how schools should be organized.
March 11, 2020 Comments Off on Evaluate the idea that educators must “sell” their ideas about how schools should be organized. Course Work Assignment help

 Evaluate the idea that educators must “sell” their ideas about how schools should be organized. Determine where you stand on this idea and explain why.

Determine how best to identify the needs of the stakeholders that the schools should serve. Provide support for your viewpoint that will address potential issues raised by people who disagree.

Imagine that you are attending a community meeting in which a policy to meet bilingual education is under discussion. Adopt the role of parent, teacher, administrator, or politician, and take a position about how this change should (or should not) occur. Support your position with three reasons.

Determine the biggest opposition to the proposed school transformation in this community and then provide one recommendation of how it can be overcome.
