Explain how different perspectives on aging might impact social work practice.
Explain how different perspectives on aging might impact social work practice.
April 24, 2020 Comments Off on Explain how different perspectives on aging might impact social work practice. Assignment Assignment helpPost 1: Post a Discussion that compares your culture’s perspective (African American) on aging to the perspectives of the two cultures you researched. Explain why you think these differences exist. Also, explain how different perspectives on aging might impact social work practice. Post 2: Post a Discussion in which you explain how considerations about clients’ worldviews, including their spirituality or religious convictions, might affect your interactions with them. Provide at least two specific examples. In addition, explain one way your own spirituality or religious convictions might support your work with a client, and one barrier it might present. Finally, share one strategy for applying an awareness of spirituality to social work practice in general.