Explain the best reply to it on behalf of the defender of DCT.
Explain the best reply to it on behalf of the defender of DCT.
December 4, 2019 Comments Off on Explain the best reply to it on behalf of the defender of DCT. Course Work Assignment helpShafer-Landau criticizes Divine Command Theory (DCT) by arguing that either God has no
reasons for His commands (in which case they are arbitrary, which undermines God’s perfection
and His moral authority), or God has reasons for His commands (in which case it is these reason,
rather than God’s commands, which explain “why actions have the moral status they do” [63]).
Either way (Shafer-Landau argues), DCT is false. Explain Shafer-Landau’s argument in your own
words. Explain the best reply to it on behalf of the defender of DCT. Does this reply work, or does
Shafer-Landau’s objection defeat DCT? Defend your answer carefully and in detail.
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