Explain the opportunities and challenges that you might encounter in fostering and implementing the change.
Explain the opportunities and challenges that you might encounter in fostering and implementing the change.
December 10, 2019 Comments Off on Explain the opportunities and challenges that you might encounter in fostering and implementing the change. Course Work Assignment helpBriefly describe the issues you anticipate encountering in your strategic plan (MY PLAN IS TO ADVOCATE TO GA DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY AND CHILDREN SERVICES FOR MORE RESOURCES FOR CHILDREN TRANSITIONING OUT OF FOSTER CARE )
Explain the change you think is needed to address these issues and factors that might influence that change.
Describe a change theory and related change processes that may be applied to the issues related to your strategic plan.
Explain how you might apply the theory and processes.
Briefly explain two ethical principles, issues, or challenges that might arise in your efforts to apply these changes.
Explain how a professional code of ethics might advise in each case. Be specific, citing elements from an applicable code of ethics. (USE THE NOHS CODE OF ETHICS)
Explain the opportunities and challenges that you might encounter in fostering and implementing the change.