Explain the role that habitus plays in creating inequality (economic, political, social, etc.) between people in society.

Explain the role that habitus plays in creating inequality (economic, political, social, etc.) between people in society.
December 23, 2019 Comments Off on Explain the role that habitus plays in creating inequality (economic, political, social, etc.) between people in society. Assignment Assignment help

1. Based upon our readings concerning the work of Pierre Bourdieu, please address the following: a) define his concept of “habitus,” specifically citing your reading material, and give at least ONE example of this important concept; b) explain the role that habitus plays in creating inequality (economic, political, social, etc.) between people in society; c) give one example recently covered in the news media (say, within the last five years, or so), that demonstrates how the accumulation of “cultural capital” can be used to benefit a person, OR, how a lack of cultural capital can harm a person.

2. Based upon our readings concerning the work of Anthony Giddens, please address the following: a) explain the basic premises behind his theory of structuration; b) drawing upon at least one other theorist (other than Bourdieu) who we have covered, demonstrate TWO differences between the way that Giddens would explain social action in comparison to the theorist you have chosen; c) based upon your reading of Giddens, explain at least one aspect of his theory that you think could improved. Defend your response.
