How do bacteria acquire resistance to antibiotics?

How do bacteria acquire resistance to antibiotics?
December 7, 2019 Comments Off on How do bacteria acquire resistance to antibiotics? Assignment Assignment help

1.A. How do bacteria acquire resistance to antibiotics? Discuss mutations, plasmids, competence and conjugations. (You may wish to reference some examples from the Frontline Documentary, “Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria” to help with your explanations.)

B. How do we combat antibiotic resistance? How do we prevent it (give at least three ways that help)?

2.Explain the step-by-step process of bacterial transformation that we did in lab to produce the “glowing” bacteria. Be sure to explain why we used each of the 4 different media plates (LB, LB/AMP, LB/AMP and LB/AMP/ARA) and what we could see on each (with and without UV light) and why.

3. Protein Purification. In your own words, explain the process that you used to isolate the GFP protein from the bacteria that you transformed and then to purify it (separate it from the other cellular chemicals).
