If you foresee growth, is it based upon consumer buying behavior and is this likely to fluctuate frequently?
If you foresee growth, is it based upon consumer buying behavior and is this likely to fluctuate frequently?
December 24, 2019 Comments Off on If you foresee growth, is it based upon consumer buying behavior and is this likely to fluctuate frequently? Course Work Assignment helpProduct Life Cycle for the Firearms Industry
One of the concepts you studied this week was the product life cycle. Consider now the product life cycle concept as you work on this assignment.
Part One: Please review the following resources:
Section 3: Gun Ownership Trends and Demographics from Pew Research Center
America’s Gun Business, By the Numbers by Ben Popken
10 Things Americans Have Suddenly Stopped Buying by Brad Tuttle
Part Two: Prepare an analysis and address the following:
Do you believe the firearms industry fits the traditional product life cycle? For your analysis, consider one specific segment, such as a model of gun or rifle. Where in the product life cycle would this segment be at now?
Part Three: Continue your analysis and answer the following:
What do you foresee for the firearms industry? Do you see growth in the industry overall, or one particular segment? If you foresee growth, is it based upon consumer buying behavior and is this likely to fluctuate frequently?