Is the monetary system the space for generating that transition?
Is the monetary system the space for generating that transition?
December 4, 2019 Comments Off on Is the monetary system the space for generating that transition? Assignment Assignment help1. Technology and monetary design afford us the opportunity to disrupt the existing system and create the barter economic world envisioned by orthodox economics. The system the orthodoxy claims to exist in the models, does, we simply must transform money by using blockchains, digital ledgers, and smart contracts to create the decentralized economy of trade and barter hypothesized in their models.
2. A moderate Keynesian or John Bates Clark position that money can be used to address capitalism’s fundamental flaws. As such, inequality, unemployment, and climate change can be meaningfully addressed using the right balance of public and private ownership. Reform rather than revolution is the path forward.
3. A second disruptive position maintains that redesigning monetary systems affords the opportunity for a new form of democracy and production that transitions the economy away from the social constraints of capitalism. Is there a next system? Is the monetary system the space for generating that transition?