What did your chosen person do to “triumph over circumstances and prejudice to build a life of accomplishment?”

What did your chosen person do to “triumph over circumstances and prejudice to build a life of accomplishment?”
December 18, 2019 Comments Off on What did your chosen person do to “triumph over circumstances and prejudice to build a life of accomplishment?” Assignment Assignment help

Write your essay as a “Historic Fiction”. Imagine yourself living at the time of your chosen person and being acquainted with him/her. You might be his/her child, parent, friend, boss or even and adversary. Write about him/her from your unique point of view.

1.Who is the person about whom you want to write?When does he/she live?

2.What did your chosen person do to “triumph over circumstances and prejudice to build a life of accomplishment?”

3.Tell why you feel particularly close to this individual
